Recent Storm Damage Posts

Flood Damage in Your Home? Here’s What You Can Do | SERVPRO of Lakeland

6/1/2024 (Permalink)

Heavy rain caused flooding in street, water swirling around storm drain Don't let flooding weigh down your home. Call SERVPRO of Lakeland to get the restoration process started!

Water damage is a regular concern in the Lakeland community, especially when a hurricane or storm rolls through. While Florida living has its advantages, it also exposes us to the formidable forces of Mother Nature.

Whether it's a thunderstorm unleashing torrents of rain or a fierce hurricane battering the coast, flooded basements and homes are common outcomes.

Preparedness is key to safeguarding your family during such events.

Ensuring Family Safety

Fortunately, hurricanes and coastal storms typically provide advance warning. Prepare promptly upon receiving news of an impending storm. Secure outdoor furniture, grills, and propane tanks, and park your car in a garage or carport nightly. It’s always a good idea to tidy up your yard to minimize potential hazards.

Inside, you should gather essential documents and delicate belongings and relocate them to a safe area. Don't forget to check your sump pump's functionality and seal storm shutters tightly before the storm hits land.

After the Storm

Until floodwaters recede, prioritize your safety by staying inside. If you’ve evacuated, wait for authorities' clearance before returning home, and exercising caution when you do enter the building. Strong storms can cause extensive damage to structures and surroundings.

Navigate your home cautiously, mindful of potential hazards like damaged flooring and protruding nails. Following an initial assessment, call us promptly to get started on flood restoration.

Our Flood Restoration Process

We specialize in flood restoration and respond swiftly to your call. Our priority is minimizing water exposure to prevent further damage.

We promptly extract standing water and utilize thermal imaging cameras to detect hidden moisture. We're equipped to handle delicate materials like soaked documents and soft furnishings.

From repairs to restoration, our team handles the whole process with confidence.

Dealing with a flood can be daunting. Let SERVPRO of Lakeland handle your flood restoration needs efficiently.

Why You May See Mold After Flooding

8/27/2022 (Permalink)

Damage drywall due to mold growth Mold growth after storm damage in Griffin, FL

Mold Growth After Storm Flooding

After a storm leads to flood water in your Griffin, FL, home, there’s a chance you may see mold growth as well. There are a few reasons for this. Here’s what you may want to know.

1. Mold Is a Fungus

One of the first things to understand is that mold is a fungus. This means that it grows by consuming organic material and water and then creating spores. This prime location for this fungi growth is in the area of high moisture and dim light.

2. Flood Water Can Create a Mold Habitat

The availability of standing water after a storm flood has occurred can create a prime habitat for mold growth. This is because flood water can get into small dim areas, such as under the baseboards, where the flood water creates plenty of moisture and the drywall and wood material provide an energy source. Fortunately, a restoration professional should know that such areas are at risk for this problem and include them in their damage assessment.

3. Flooding Can Get into Unseen Areas

It’s important to understand that water can seep into little used spaces of your home as well. This is why it’s a good idea to call a storm damage restoration professional to help any time this type of problem occurs. These professionals can handle water removal as well as any secondary damages that may occur such as mold, or sanitizing to prevent bacteria growth. They will also know what unseen areas in your home should be checked for these damages based on where the flooding occurred. This may include basement or crawlspace areas, under flooring, and between some walls.

Because mold is a fungus there’s a chance you could see mold growth after issues with standing water, like storm flooding, occur. This water can seep into unseen spaces and create a desirable habitat for the spores to grow. Fortunately, a professional can help.

Steps to Take when Making a Flood Damage Claim

5/16/2022 (Permalink)

Flood insurance form on a table with a book. If you have flood insurance, there are steps that you should take as soon as possible to file a flood claim.

Procedures To Follow When Filing A Flood Damage Claim

Dealing with flood damage in Dixieland, FL, is stressful. Whether you had inches or feet of flooding, not only are you dealing with ruined items, but you may also have to find a place to live for a while. If you have flood insurance, there are steps that you should take as soon as possible to file a flood claim.

1. Report the Flooding to Your Insurance Company

The first part of filing an insurance claim is to report the loss to your insurance company in writing, although you should also call them right away to let them know you will be filing. The faster you do this, the quicker you will receive compensation to replace what is lost.

2. Get Ready for the Flood Claim Inspection

Document the damage with as much detail as possible. Take pictures and videos of everything that will need to be fixed or replaced. Some things, like perishable food, you will need to throw away, but make sure you document the damage with pictures first.

3. Discuss Details with the Adjuster

When the adjuster comes by to conduct the inspection, show them the evidence of the damage and losses. More than likely, you will need cleanup help from a professional restoration service. Before signing a contract, consult with the adjuster or insurance company. Give the adjuster your current contact information if you are staying someplace else while work is being done on your home. After inspection of the home, pictures and videos, the adjuster will be able to give you a more accurate estimate of your flood loss.

Experiencing flooding of your residence is never fun, and it can result in major damage, not only to the home's structure, flooring and furnishing, but also to the electrical and HVAC systems. When filing your flood claim, make sure the estimate includes the repair of everything as well as clean up.

3 Ways FEMA Can Help You After a Storm

5/16/2022 (Permalink)

Lightning storm over city in purple light While repairing and rebuilding your home after a storm is your number one priority, you'll find that you need help with other areas, too.

FEMA Can Assist You In 3 Ways After A Storm

Dealing with the aftermath of a devastating storm can be overwhelming. The wind likely broke your windows, and the flooding destroyed your home and belongings, and you might be unsure how to proceed. FEMA is a government-funded organization that helps people in your situation. Here are three ways they can help you after a storm.

1. Help Pay Repair Costs Not Covered by Flood Insurance

Experts advise that the first thing you do after your home in South Lakeland, FL, floods, is to file an insurance claim and then file for emergency assistance. Depending on your insurance policy, you might find that all of your storm damage restoration costs aren't covered, and the emergency agency helps cover your additional costs. The FEMA representative handling your case will need to see the declaration page from your insurance and proof of your claim, so you'll want to have those items ready when you contact them.

2. Help Pay for Personal Expenses

While repairing and rebuilding your home after a storm is your number one priority, you'll find that you need help with other areas, too. Whether you lost your wheelchair in the storm or need assistance with child care or moving expenses, ask for help paying those expenses when you file your emergency assistance claim. Your representative will go over a checklist of expenses with you to ensure that nothing is missed. The agency will also help you get reimbursed for equipment you purchased to clean up your property after the squall, such as chain saws and generators.

3. Help Pay for Living Expenses

If your house is unlivable after a storm, you'll need somewhere to go. FEMA will work with you to reimburse the costs of staying in a hotel or short-term rental and any associated taxes. Because they don't pay the expenses upfront, you will want to remember to keep track of all receipts and bills that you pay for your living situation.

Even though your life might be temporarily thrown into upheaval after a major storm, relying on government assistance can help you easily sail through the aftermath.

What Is Business Interruption Insurance?

3/22/2022 (Permalink)

Financial concept meaning Business Interruption Insurance with sign on the piece of paper. Unlike property insurance, which covers undetermined costs like hiring a storm remediation company, interruption coverage is easier to calculate.

What Exactly Is Business Interruption Coverage?

Running a business is tough when you don't have the right insurance. A coverage option that business owners must have is interruption insurance. This is designed to help cover income loss while you rebuild your livelihood.

What Does It Cover?

Unlike property insurance, this will not cover costs associated with your rebuild in Griffin, FL. Instead, it will cover operating expenses, such as:

  • Revenue
  • Mortgage, rent, or lease payments
  • Loan payments
  • Taxes
  • Payroll
  • Relocation costs
  • Extra expenses
  • Training costs

What Is a Restoration Period?

Your restoration period is the time that you can receive benefits from your interruption policy. Generally, it takes two or three days for your period to start. Typically, it lasts long enough for you to rebuild your business.

How Much Coverage Do You Need?

Every policy has a specified coverage limit. The limit is the maximum amount of money you can receive from filing a claim. Unlike property insurance, which covers undetermined costs like hiring a storm remediation company, interruption coverage is easier to calculate. You can calculate appropriate coverage based on your regular gross earnings. Keep in mind that any costs going over your policy limit will need to be paid for by you, so it is better to estimate growth rather than be left without funds.

What Does It Cost?

Each policy has a unique cost. Typically, it depends on your industry, employee numbers, and the coverage you need.

What Are the Exclusions?

This type of insurance is designed to support the income of a closed business. It does not cover damaged items, flood damage, undocumented income, utilities, and communicable disease-related shutdowns.

If a disaster happens, business interruption insurance can protect you and your company. It is a good way for small businesses to protect themself financially. It does this by offering a source of income when a business is shut down. However, it does not cover any damage directly related to a disaster.

3 Reasons To Buy Flood Insurance

3/16/2022 (Permalink)

Flood insurance form on a table with a book. Flooding is a common problem that can cause serious damage. Therefore, flood insurance is a good idea for any business owner.

Three Reasons To Purchase Flood Insurance

Even though it is not required, a flood policy is a good idea for business owners in Lakeland, FL. You can get good policies through both the government and private companies. If you're on the fence about this type of coverage, here are some reasons you should purchase it.

1. It Is Affordable

Floods can do serious damage to any business. When you tally up the damage done and the cost of hiring a storm restoration company to fix it, floods are very costly. Unfortunately, this is not covered by standard commercial insurance. Considering the amount you would have to pay to fix flood damage, the cost of having a special policy doesn't seem too expensive. Plus, most businesses can get a policy for less than they expect. This is especially true when you can add flood coverage to your standard property insurance.

2. Every Property Is at Risk

The property maps created by the Federal Emergency Management Agency are an estimate of where flooding will occur based on past conditions. However, even low-risk zones still have a decent chance of flooding. Instead of marking you as safe from a flood, placing your business in a low-risk zone lets you add flood coverage to your commercial insurance for less.

3. Flood Damage Is Catastrophic

Flooding is a common side effect of many natural disasters and storms. In fact, it results in billions of dollars of damage each year. Your business alone could end up with thousands of dollars in repairs that are not covered under a standard commercial insurance policy.

Flooding is a common issue that can do serious damage. The results of this disaster are costly to repair. Even though the FEMA maps mark some areas as low-risk, this does not mean businesses in these regions are clear of flooding. Therefore, flood insurance is a good idea for any business owner.